Has anyone generated an RSS feed from TiddlyWiki?

A post was merged into an existing topic: File Uploads plugin: updates

I’ve read your article, this was very informative, thanks you !
There is another way to make a feed reachable for feed reader : simply add a tag $:/tags/RawMarkup

With this the content of the tiddler is embeded in the head of the document and become reachable :slight_smile:

Here’s a demo

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@saqimtiaz in a similar application I used the filter that you would use to generate the items for the RSS feed, as the conditions for displaying a button to do the upload (in my case to print a PDF).

However if RSS entries are related to a date, the act of triggering the upload can also record the “last” upload. Subsequently the button can test if fresh content is available for upload. Basically a version of the “dirty” indicator.

Alternatively clicking save button on a “post” could trigger an action to test if an RSS file upload is required.

I hope someone can publish a “Finished” solution addressing this thread;

Generate an RSS feed from TiddlyWiki?

Great example of collaboration in this thread.

This bug has now been fixed and an update for the FileUploads plugin (and the PUT uploader) is available.

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Awesome, thanks ! :smiley:

I’ve found another plugin to generate RSS feeds :


Linked from that is GitHub - dullroar/TW5-atomfeed: TiddlyWiki5 plugin to generate ATOM feed.

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I can export my last 30 tiddlers from TW into json that way

tiddlywiki --load ~/mytw.html \
 --output /tmp --render '.' "rss.json" 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' '[days:created[-30]!is[system]]'

i’d like to do the same in .rss.xml format.
after reading discussion, I am a little confused.

  • does latest TW still needs a plugin to export in rss.xml?
  • which plugin should be used (many sources are listed here)?

i installed

but doesn’t figure out how the export command line should be?

thanks for your help.

@papiche you essentially just need a template that can be rendered to generate an RSS feed. This post provides an example of a template and the command: Has anyone generated an RSS feed from TiddlyWiki? - #8 by saqimtiaz

Ok, so
Do we consider $:/plugins/sq/feeds/templates/rss a plugin ?
That must be recorded in my TW

Then the command line will be

tiddlywiki.js --load my-wiki.html --render "[[$:/plugins/sq/feeds/templates/rss]]" "feed.xml" "text/plain" "$:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler"

but what is $:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler?