Gimme your elevator pitch for TW!

PITCH for the TW Movie…

In 1997 @jeremyruston invented TW after insightful encounters with Ward Cunningham & Ted Nelson’s works and initiated TiddlyWiki.

TiddlyWiki is a very well maintained hypertext system that dynamically changes itself. It can change its own CSS, Javascrtipt & HTML. In it you can make anything.

(That pitch, though very true, will likely go down the toilet. Which end user would benefit?)

But if you push the right buttons, you eventually get to open the doors to a whole new level of possibilities.

Groan …

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TRAILER for the TW movie: fill in the blanks:

“In a world, [] one man []”

For inspiration: In a world...(ultimate movie trailer) - YouTube

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If the person I am sharing the elevator with is a Lucifer fan, the pitch is quite simple…

opening: “What do you REALLY want?”

response: …whatever…

closing “Ahh … use TiddlyWiki !”

Regarding the OP both are relevant.

A workable “pitch” is a combo of the known with a touch of the not known. For movies György Pálfi did a brilliant job on showing collective tropes (the common visual language of movies in this case) in FINAL CUT.

Regarding TW: What are we promoting? The tool or an application of it?

What are the collective tropes for TW?

Just a comment, TT

Regarding a “pitch” that is a bit too generic.

In movie pitches you’d normally have a first line Headline on scope … for instance … converted for TWese …

TiddlyWiki is a Self-Editing Document system that is easy to use …

Just a comment, TT

my thanks to twMat for mentioning text-based information. in behalf of a sight-challenged (er, totally blind) brother who participates in a weekly 7-person family zoom – think about it – were it not for the text-based information, he’d miss quite a bit. thank god for old-fashioned email, and chat forums.

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Joe, it’s a single file software. Its free, and open-source. It is easy to use as a notebook or a journal. You can save information in small or large bits, tag them, search them, list them and do a lot more.


Ever scrolled too far to the right in a spreadsheet to find that additional column you only needed for one row, and then fiddled with column width and added word-wrap to see the special detail, and then realized that your row-height was now all wrong, and that you had been squinting for far too long…?


Ever wished that your note-taking app was more like a modernized open-source browser-based locally-stored HyperCard on steroids?
