@simon , I concord with your thoughts.
I was thinking of the possibility of being able to change the “workflow” of GSD5 to to adapt to each requirement. As I am using GSD5 currently, I realized the first “want/wish” for me is to be able to change the tiddlers format (from templates) to any direction in the workflow by adding/subtracting “contexts” . E.g., An input tiddler (collect, capture, other context of my preference) could be changed –on-the-spot– to an action (do now, engage, clarify, assigned to others, do in the future), project (process, organize, plan, review), tickler (do by due-date, future review), reference (to a project, to an action), archive or temporary trash bin; back-and-forth completely interchangeable.
Each type of tiddler template may contain different tags and/or fields for the contexts, to be used in filtered lists to create different UI’s according the each user requirement. Any user could add/delete contexts to control the workflow and the UI as them wish.