A simple then[foo]... else[bar]
can, AFAIK, only pass on the simple operand strings but is not usable if you want the input to follow along and be manipulated. What can I do for the latter?
Specifically this concerns my problem in the peculiar PR so here is a simplified example of this where I’m attempting here using the :else
filter run prefix:
<$let remove='</$button>' >
{{{ [[mytiddler]get[text]] +[removesuffix[
]addsuffix[hey]] :else[addsuffix[hey]] }}}
Thus I want to test if the text ends with an empty line and in that remove the empty line and do something more, alternatively if it doesn’t then do something.
…but is the text
at all carried to the :else
statement? Is :else
just wrong? Maybe the +
messes things up? ?
(Plus I vaguely recall some a more elegant regex to express line breaks instead of the silly chop[
]up… but this is less important.)
Any suggestions?