Freelinks and Firefox not a happy combination

Tested on my Android phone and my Pi5 with firefox. with the freelinks plugin enabled TW crawls to a halt on firefox. Tested with

It’s made my wiki mostly unusable on my phone on firefox for a while now, but I’ve been using TidGi and chrome so only just got around to having a poke to see what the problem is.

There are several posts here in the forum that discuss the performance problems the freelinks plugin can cause. It checks every word and combination of words if it can create a link to an existing tiddler.

The freelinks plugin has a configuration tiddler: $:/config/Freelinks/TargetFilter, which allows a filter that can select all tiddler titles that can be used for freelinking. So the plugin does not need to search in all tiddlers.

The filter parameter can be configured in the plugin’s “settings” tab

I know it can impact performance, but this seems to be a Firefox browser specific performance hit. An otherwise usable wiki in Chrome is not usuable in Ff.