Extra Space Between Fields Row in 5.2.2 versus 5.2.1

This is a tiddler in 5.2.1 with several fields

This is the same tiddler in 5.2.2

Is this extra space intentional and by design or it is a design mistake? I think 5.2.1 looks much nicer in comparison with 5.2.2

I recall @jeremyruston mentioning it when trying to fix the span/div issue in the $keyboard widget that broke editing in Blink based browsers (Chrome, Edge).

You could use css to adjust it if it bothers you.

It looks like a regression, I’ll investigate.

I think the regression was introduced in the new template introduced as part of the cascade for editing fields: Allow the rendering of fields within the Edit Template to be extended by FlashSystems · Pull Request #6511 · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub

$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fieldEditor/default uses the class tc-edit-texteditor for the input field whereas previously the input fields did not have this class.

Hi Saq,

I removed the class and it seems the extra spaces disappeared. I did not investigate other effects.

Thanks @saqimtiaz.

I’ve added a note to the PR:

The OP didn’t mention any visual changes. It’s very important that we don’t inadvertently introduce visual regressions like this. I will update the contributing guidelines to clarify that any visual changes in a PR must be accompanied by before and after screenshots. It’s not acceptable to change the look and feel of the product under the guise of introducing an architectural change.

I’ve pushed an update to remove the tc-edit-texteditor class from field input controls:

See Update contributing notes and PR template · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5@ad49001 · GitHub