Does order within a filter run affect speed?

Maybe the OP was just an example regarding the filter speed and no real-life application, but




give me the same number, even with an overridden shadow in the wiki, as I would expect.
So why not just use


Am I missing something?

Have a nice day

Yeah, you’re missing the shadows. My guess is that you manually tagged them, thus overwriting them and creating system tids instead. In my hypothetical OP they were, so to say, part of the core or a plugin. I guess a way to test it would be to tag some tiddlers with a tag that a “good number” of actual shadow tids use.

EDIT: I mean, the resulting tiddlers are the same in the two filters in the OP but the question only concerned the speed as a result from the ordering of the filter operators.

You can try any of the SystemTags and you’ll see the difference

Sorry if I seem blockheaded, but on a vanilla both of these filters return zero results, as expected:

{{{ [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Filter]is[tiddler]] }}}

{{{ [all[tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Filter]] }}}

If I modify e.g. $:/core/Filters/Missing to override its shadow, both of the above filters return the modified tiddler, still no difference.

I guess I’m still missing something.

What is not clear? Assuming you’re correc in that they first both return zero results - OK, so the tag[$:/tags/Filter] disqualifies everything. And when you overwrite a shadow tid, this creates a tiddler (note: a system tiddler is still a tiddler) so, yeah, both filters return that tiddler. There is still no shadow tiddler tagged such, because it would have to be created as a shadow tid with that tag for it to be tagged such. You can’t change a shadow tid without it creating a copy which is a system tid, i.e the shadow still doesn’t have the tag even if you try to apply it (…unless you use manipulate the actual json).

Just to be accurate, there are, in fact, 14 shadow tiddlers that are tagged with $:/tags/Filter:


The reason that @Yaisog’s filters return zero results is because the first filter uses is[tiddler] which excludes shadows, and the second filter use [all[tiddlers] which also excludes shadows.

{{{ [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Filter]is[tiddler]] }}}

The is[tiddler] asks if any of the tiddlers tagged is a system or normal tiddler. If there is no result the answer is no. That’s expected, because all of them are shadows. If you edit one of them in a “test wiki” you will get a result

If you ask are there any shadow or tiddlers tagged $:/tags/Filter like so

{{{ [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Filter]] }}}

There is answer with some results

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Thanks for all your answers. What I am taking home from this is that


is in all cases equal to


which I had assumed from the beginning, but was led to doubt by the discussion here.
This answers my question in #8 with “no”.

Sorry if my way of questioning may have been confusing, as it had no relation the the OP. I was just bugged that the example given in the OP was a filter that is unnecessarily complex and thus slow, which seemed to be the opposite of what was intended after all.

Have a nice day

A rule of thumb for filters is, to reduce the set of tiddlers that is worked with as fast as possible. … So at the beginning of the filter expression

So if you start with [tag[foo]] which is a shortcut for [all[tiddlers]tag[foo]] is generally a good thing. Filtering with tags is highly optimized.

Similar to tags there can be a check if a field has any value eg: [has[this-field]] also reduces the number of tiddlers to work with very fast.

If you need to check if a field has a value of “x” you can use [this-field[x]] … which is very close tagging with a single tag. It’s a shortcut for [field:this-field[x]]

… just some examples

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I’m curious; what filter comparison would you (or anyone) suggest as a better example for asking how the order of the operations affect which is faster? (Or slower, for that matter.)

I guess [all[tiddlers]tag[foo]is[tiddler]] vs [all[tiddlers]is[tiddler]tag[foo]] would be possible but it feels like the “all tiddlers that are tiddlers?” kind of confuses the question.

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I don’t know if the is[tiddler] is particularly important to you.

If not, you could compare
[all[tiddlers]tag[foo]sort[]] vs. [all[tiddlers]sort[]tag[foo]]

If so, you could compare the filter run
+[tag[foo]is[tiddler]] vs. +[is[tiddler]tag[foo]]
for arbitrary preceding filter runs which yield an input list of tiddlers.

Would at least have distracted me less.

PS: You got the answer that you sought with your initial post, so your examples couldn’t have been too bad… :wink:

I put subfilter to the front to bring echarts loading speed from 3s to 0.17s refactor: speed up using subfilter to narrow down tiddler pool · tiddly-gittly/tw-echarts@7742b9a · GitHub


[all[tiddlers]sameday:created[${date}]][all[tiddlers]sameday:modified[${date}]] +${subfilter} +[sort[]]


/** Use subfilter to narrow down tiddler pool before the on dates */
  const tiddlerSourceIterator = $

then pass to

[sameday:created[${date}]] [sameday:modified[${date}]]

截屏2023-02-11 23.30.55


i’m surprised at the huge speed difference adding !is[system] seems to make in tests on filters (with over 3000 results) in my main wiki just now. is this because the system tiddlers, though few in number, are large/complex and therefore take longer to parse? if this difference is true, would it make sense to add it to most filters designed to produce many results?

These just look wrong :thinking: :eyes:

It is acturally `[all[tiddlers]sameday:created[${date}]]` , and ${ } is tempate literal variable in ES6, not tw syntax.

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No, normally your filter will use [all[tiddler] as start, or omit it means use it by default, which exclude the system tiddlers.

I have even more of system tiddlers , because I have many plugins.

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I have no idea what this means?

Hi @TW_Tones the ${variable} syntax is the JavaScript way of doing string substitution. I think @linonetwo is using it to programmatically generate filters for testing purposes.

thanks! i’d assumed there would be no difference, and in chrome/firefox there isn’t, but there is some bug specific to safari that really slows down the refresh if !is[system] is omitted from a many-result filter (i.e. that cannot be limited) and that tiddler is open. even then it’s only noticeable when editing (another tiddler or another section) in section editor and streams, not in the standard editor.

really glad to come across your comment and to find that !is[system] works around this for safari users (i.e. safari refresh speed becomes comparable to chrome/firefox). for other users in the same boat (i.e. seeing slowdown of the sort shown in the gifs Performance issues in Safari for Section Editor and Streams - #6 by makiaea), other workarounds i’ve used previously are to “fold” the section that includes the filter when not in use; to use sensible filter limits if possible; or something like !days:modified[-440] which omits large groups of tiddlers (and a separate tiddler, not opened regularly, for the full filter when required)

I learn today this is called “Filter push down” or “predicate push down” in SQL, from Support push-down filters on vss indices · Issue #2 · asg017/sqlite-vss · GitHub

When I try to add vector search to TidGi for tiddlywiki.