Just when I think I’m doing well at keeping my nose out of “TiddlyWiki Documentation” topics, I get a random thought out of nowhere.
I think the biggest problem with TiddlyWiki documentation is the use of TiddlyWiki for documentation.
A case in which “eat your own dog food” is maybe not such a great idea.
Two points, both in regards to multi-user/community collaboration:
- technical setup / architecture
- documentation process
Both of these are complicated, convoluted, when using TiddlyWiki for collaborative documentation (or content/KB/whatever).
If it can all be done easily, I have no knowledge of that. Because I cannot find documentation about making it easy, and with my own experience thus far: not easy.
But if you are like me and like hacking away at things for the joy of it, it can be done.
I know how to go about it with TiddlyWiki. But do I want to? Not so much. It was fun figuring it out as a brain-age game, but would I do it again? Otherwise: nah. Did it once, don’t particularly fancy doing it again. Well, maybe for the right $$$'s ?
Although there probably aren’t many folk who find joy working on documentation, I think decent documentation depends more on easy technical setup/architecture and easy process much more so than the number of collaborators.
I think quality documentation might be better served by documentation managed with a tool that makes process much easier, leaving TiddlyWiki.com purely for the examples of how to do this/that (which is documented somewhere else, which points to those examples at TiddlyWiki.com .
Something like that. Too many intertwingled thoughts in this sponge…
These are just some of the scattered thoughts I have on the whole thing.