Do we need to register talk-tiddlywiki at google for SEO?

Hi foks,
Over in the GG it was mentioned, that “searchability” is an important topic for our users.

So my question is, if we need to tell google about the new forum, so they are able to crawl the page or the feed or whatever they need from us.

@boris … Did we do this already?

I’m pretty sure people meant searching within the forum, not Internet wide search.

There are lots of SEO things that one could do, but that is something that someone from the community would need to take responsibility for and experiment.

The main active thing to do from my point of view would be to include links in various community spaces that link here to <>. If people want to link from their personal sites, that could be encouraged as well.

Otherwise, good content that people link to!

Edit: ah, you mean this:

While there are external things we could do to improve SEO, Discourse itself seems to have good discoverability for search engines.

I already have posts from here turning up in Google searches.

No, it was internet search in general.