Creating Boxes that can be Drag and Drop Imported as Tiddlers

I came across this thread while checking up how to drag and drop stuff to Tiddlywiki.

There is this solution from Eric Shulman ( Is there a way to create a tiddler using text that is stored in the clipboard? ) to create a dropzone on Tiddlywiki side that parse a text string in bibtex format to create a new tiddler. Maybe can adopt the solution to “import” the quote on Tiddlywiki’s end ? Just a thought.

TiddilyWiki actually already has a dropzone. It’s just set up in a way that stops the copy-paste from working.

This PR here actually makes it work: Check Content-Type of Pasted Tiddlers by GameDungeon · Pull Request #7215 · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub
In that thread, there is also a link to a way to use upgraders to parse incoming text, which also could be helpful.

For completeness also note that you can configure your own browse widget to import file(s) into a pre-set deserializer.