Create a simple ReactJs plugin and export to my tiddlywiki

It should work, look at tw-react/src/example.js.meta at master · tiddly-gittly/tw-react · GitHub that accompany the example.tsx,

Also see I export the App component in slate-write/src/slate-write/editor/editor.tsx at master · tiddly-gittly/slate-write · GitHub , and only use it as reactComponent = App; in slate-write/src/slate-write/editor/index.ts at master · tiddly-gittly/slate-write · GitHub

If you are confused, look at the source code under the hood, read the source code tw-react/src/widget.ts at master · tiddly-gittly/tw-react · GitHub , just like we need to read tiddlywiki’s source when dev tw plugins.

I will clone the code and try to run it again.
Currently I was working with modern.tiidlydev code.
Maybe I will clone your code and try to run.

I hope ,I can just clone your master branch code then run using ,
npm run build,

Do I need to anything else ?

i cloned the master branch and followed the document,
when I run, npm run dev
Plugin $:/plugins/linonetwo/tw-react has been saved to dist/out-dev/$__plugins_linonetwo_tw-react.json.
Successfully packed 1 plugins.

Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. For more information see: , I am getting a message like this.
Is that possible to run locally? Or should I use the json file to run ?

Why not just download the json from github release?

And you should use modern framework for dev, not using tw-react’s repo. You only need to learn its code with GPT4’s help, not using it directly.

So basically follow the modern tiddlydev’s doc site, and when writing widget, refer to examples on tw-react’s repo, and other tw-react based project.