Collaboratively editing a Tiddlywiki?

Hi all,

I am using Tiddlywiki to build a living archive, and I would like if other people could edit information in it too, so that I can share the workload required to maintain the wiki. I am saving my Tiddlywiki in git like I do with all my projects, but I’m not sure how easy it would be to collaborate with git because the merge conflicts might not be easy to resolve, as everything is stored as structured data.

Does anyone have any advice for how to collaborate on a Tiddlywiki? Does it just need to be shared around and ‘locked for editing’ like a Subversion? Or is it possible to do it in a way where everyone’s edits sync up in real time? Or to create different sets of named changes like a git patch? What works in practice?


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…and if your fellas are also TW users, then maybe this concept.

A while ago, I posted about having success with a multi-author setup through hubzilla, a platform brought to our attention by @session: Hubzilla as multi-author playground: seeking volunteers!

So far, however, we have not had success in finding a mechanism to protect reliably against conflicting edits. Multiple users would need to be vigilant about reloading a file immediately prior to saving a change (not working with a “stale” browser tab), and having some way to troubleshoot in the rare event of overwriting another user’s recent edits. Hubzilla does have a nice communications channel, though, so it would be pretty easy to establish a protocol for communications around who’s editing what when.

Use nodejs wiki like TidGi-Desktop with git is very easy. The merge diff is small, and there will be very few conflicts.

The GitHub - tiddly-gittly/TidGi-Official-Website: a Tiddlywiki based website of TidGi - an Opensource knowledge management app. Including TidGi download link, feature introduction, Tiddlywiki ecosystem explanation... is Collaboratively edited by 3 main people using TidGi.

And TiddlyWiki-Chinese-Tutorial is edited by at least 5 people together at its active time.