Codemirror and virtual keyboards?

On my aging Android 5 tablet, virtual keyboards couldn’t seem to type into a tiddler using codemirror (Vim).

Should I expect that virtual keyboards can work with codemirror? Especially Vim mode? If it’s a known problem, I won’t worry about it – I know there’s a lot of different devices and configurations.

Code mirrors line handling means the edit handling is not a simple edit text field. This is an assumption if many addons. Perhaps reverting to the default editor on mobile makes sense?

Bumping this since there wasn’t an official reply.

The problem is that you, apparently, have to disable the CM plugin, save, and reload for this to happen. This is a lot of fiddly stuff to do on a small screen. Especially if you’re just trying to grab some text or do a quick experiment. If there was a simple activate/deactivate for CM it might be a reasonable solution.

Check this thread: Change editor based on device ; basically, you add a bit of JavaScript to autodetect whether you’re on mobile or not, and use the proper editor for each environment.

Try @jerojasro’s link but code mirror replaces the default editor in the edit template but the default editor remains. I have configured a way to use the default editor in the preview for spell check. It should be possible to alter the active editor without disabling the plugin. It just needs a little research and a hack.