CodeMirror 6 - back to development

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-text-operation" $param="wrap-selection" prefix={{Tiddler with prefix}} suffix={{Tiddler with suffix}}/>

And the “Tiddler with prefix” contains:

<$list filter="[

And the “Tiddler with suffix” contains:

]" variable=item>



btw, if you want me to clean up this thread (a few of those chat-like messages could be removed) let me know.

AND you’ve fixed the issue with the Esc key while the search panel is open. Great news!

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Lucky 13 I guess :wink:

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When do you think themes might appear?

Actually, any exposure of the mode such that a user might modify colors/text styles etc.

Hi @CodaCoder - well I made codemirror adapt to the various palettes and thought that might be good enough.
I haven’t planned adding more themes.

P.S. text style can be changed using the control panel

Not that stuff, the mode stuff.

By the way, I got the actions down to a single tiddler per action (three tiddlers per action was getting a bit unwieldy to manage).

What do you mean? Could you please be a bit more precise so that I can follow?


I couldn’t be more precise. In CodeMirror, the syntax recognition systems are called modes. A mode handles the markup of “words” and “terms” and other “glyphs” used by the language being edited.

EDIT: In 6 they seem to have gone :frowning:

Hi @CodaCoder

Doesn’t the editor change syntax highlighting and autocompletion based on the type you choose?

Hello all,

I’ve just released version 0.3.0 of my CodeMirror 6 plugin
In this release users can add their custom autocompletions to the autocomplete dropdown that’s triggered by typing “??” (which is also configurable)

I hope you all like this
Please report if you find a bug
Please let me know if you have an idea

Thank you,

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Yes, kind of… but that’s not the same as having full lang support where “mixed” modes are supported: see CodeMirror Mixed-Language Parsing Example – and btw, modes are not gone, they’re just not surfaced so noticeably as they were in 5.

I’m not sure, but I think from the limited reading I’ve done, “mixed mode” for us would need to include: lang-html, lang-css and possibly lang-json / lang-javascript.

I totally understand if you don’t have the time – I don’t either. :frowning:


Can we have indentation work with spaces and not tabs? I see in engine.js where you’re setting it - could that become an exposed setting?

Hi @CodaCoder

version 0.3.2 now lets you configure the tab size and also if spaces or tabs are used.

Best wishes,


Hi all,

with version 0.3.3 I’ve updated the library to the latest upstream developments

Best wishes,

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@BurningTreeC I recall the other CM6 plugin had this problem…

The longer I have my wiki open, the longer that list gets. Benign but less than ideal.

It creates one for opening a tiddler for editing, and another one when saving the tiddler.


Interestingly, I just checked your demo version 0.4.0. It creates ONE when opening the tiddler for editing. Does NOT create one when saving.

Hi @CodaCoder

Yeah, I’m interested in fixing this
Maybe @oeyoews can give me a hint how he fixed it?

Thank you,

No need for hints anymore, I fixed it @CodaCoder

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@BurningTreeC Is indenting on the near horizon? I mean, indenting regardless of “type” or language…