Citation, Bibliography and Scientific Writing inTiddlyWiki

Using Tiddlywiki for a research project, I need scientific citations, mathematical equations, chemical formula, etc. So I did some search in, Google Group and Talk Tiddlywiki and I found the below combination perfect:

  • Tiddlywiki + bibtext plugin from official library
  • Refnotes from kookma
  • Auto Complete from @Maurycy
  • Auto Complete triggers for citations from @Zheng_Bangyou

Thank you all. The above combination makes life much easy.

I also installed

  • KaTeX from official library for math formula and equations
  • Shiraz for quick tables and dynamic tables from kookma

I have some questions, hope you kindly advise me and share your experiences

  1. I need to have a Bibliography section in some tiddlers, the difference with a Reference section is a Bibliography has records that are not used (cited) in the text. Refnotes’ showrefs only makes Reference section not Bibliography (like read more), how can I address this need?

  2. Is there any other tools in Tiddlywiki ecosystem can be used here to facilitate a smooth scientific writing with Tiddlywiki?

  1. Create a tiddler, like “Bibliography 1”
  2. Mention all relevant the references in it
  3. Go to your main tiddler, where your want bibliography to appear
  4. Use kookma’s citation macro, like so
<<showrefs "[[Bibliography 1]]" Bibliography >>

Basically you can tell showref to use any tiddler to compile the references via the filter parameter.


@talha131 has given a great answer above! Using his solution, you can have several bibliographies or Further Readings and use them anywhere you like!

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Another solution.

A new bibliography macro is added.

Refnotes Plugin: New update 1.8.0 - 1.8.5 - Plugins - Talk TW (


I’m working on a equation editor for KaTeX equations, maybe this could be useful for you :


You can search in the popup to find what you want :

Then when the formula is done you can copy it by clicking on the render bellow :


If you want to test this : Learning math — My notes on learning math


This is wonderful! worth to ba a KaTex addon like codemirror addons.

I use Auto Complete from @Maurycy with a data tiddler to insert several predefined formulae (like a 4x4 matrix, Laplace equation, or Navier–Stokes equations - Wikipedia

Your solution seems to be able to handle this (insert predefined equations)

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