An invention you may be interested in, focused tiddler types and setting current Focus

I added some comments on your thread and name it here for others to find Alternate page template which moves clicked tiddlers to the top of the story - #2 by TW_Tones

I have a reason to use TiddlyMap after not doing so for a long time, I notice that the focust-tiddler button brings a given tiddlers node into the live view.


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Is this a page layout? I thought it is working on the default page layout.

Pretty slick idea @TW_Tones. The TiddlyMap bonus is also quite interesting.

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The only differences when the custom layout is active is any link clicked such as in the sidebar also triggers the custom actions, without it, the focus tiddler still changes.

  • The custom actions such as the one that demonstrates maintaining the current and previous “element” in view can also be triggered by clicking the red or green target icon.

I think the package meets its intended goals but now also

  • allows alt-click on a red or green target button to be pinned at the top

Thanks to all the reviewers and comments.

I just want to spell out the key discovery which I consider a useful innovation.

With the Focus tiddler layout active and one or more “custom actions on focus” you can track the tiddlers you have “focused on” in a logical and comprehensive way.

  • For example imagine your tiddlers have an object-type field in which you name the tiddler type such as project, todo, reference, contact, map, bookmark etc…
  • It is quite simple as a result, to display to the user the current and previous of each of these object-types to be focused.
    • That is it automatically records the current project, contact etc… which you can use to present information based on that information.
    • Keep track of multiple key tiddlers in a long story of open tiddlers
    • Use focussed tiddlers to retain mental and logical focus in complex activities.